2012年5月28日 星期一

harvest mouse , dandelion , in the breeze . 巢鼠 , 蒲公英 , 在微風中 。

Harvest mouse climbs up a dandelion | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2151011/Harvest-mouse-climbs-dandelion.html

silhouettes , setting sun. 剪影 , 夕陽。

Flare play: Stunning series of pictures show woman holding up the sun and some lads enjoying a solar-powered kickabout | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2150826/Flare-play-Stunning-series-pictures-woman-holding-sun-lads-enjoying-solar-powered-kickabout.html


BBC UKChina - 走进英国 - 研究:人不可貌相,人很容易貌相
 這項研究結果在網絡時代尤其重要。 “貌相”的代價 除了網上商貿,社交網站的迅猛發展也在挑戰人性中傾向於“貌相”而判斷可信度的本能。 已有的類似研究顯示,面相貌似可信的政客在選舉中獲得的票數大都超過看上去不那麼值得信賴的對手,而“娃娃臉”首席行政官所在的公司出現差錯失誤更容易得到公眾的寬容 你可以稱之為膚淺,但研究人員正在從不同的層面和角度確認膚淺的代價。 英國華威大學(University of Warwick)、倫敦大學學院(UCL)和美國達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)學者的研究報告發表在PloS One 雜誌上。

2012年5月23日 星期三


Pinterest / Home
社交網站超級新星:Pinterest有圖有商機 - 數位時代 - 商業企管 - udn聯合書報攤
史上最快!Pinterest圖像社群網站突破每月千萬獨立訪客 - 數位時代-台灣最具影響力的科技媒體  http://www.bnext.com.tw/article/view/cid/0/id/22000
 Seven Steps To Boost Your Brand Awareness via Pinterest, The Shiny Star in Crowded Social Media Field_七個步驟 讓您利用Pinterest這個目前最火的社群網站來增加您品牌的知名度 http://lab.think.thefabulabs.com/?p=202
 Our Services include, Pinterest Domination, Link Building, Twitter Domination and Keyword Research http://www.renegadeseobycj.com/our_services.html
 Overview | The Official Power of Pinterest Website and Blog. Your #1 Resource and Guide to Pinterest! http://www.powerofpinterest.com/purchase-the-book/overview/
Pinterest: 可收集及整理視覺設計靈感的網路剪貼簿 - Inside 網路趨勢觀察  http://www.inside.com.tw/2011/05/13/pinterest

organic herbal tea 有機 花草茶

 Herbal Tea Recipe – Drink Day Wednesday with Elizabetta Tekeste http://marcussamuelsson.com/news/herbal-tea-recipe-drink-day-wednesday-with-elizabetta-tekeste
 Herbal tea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbal_tea

2012年5月18日 星期五

Emma Gray , shepherdess . 牧羊女

Little beau peep seeks soul mate, must like animals: Pretty shepherdess, 26, who rejected modern life to run remote farm is lonely | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2146303/Little-beau-peep-seeks-soul-mate-like-animals-Pretty-shepherdess-26-rejected-modern-life-run-remote-farm-lonely.html

Google Knowledge Graph. Google知識圖譜

Google Knowledge Graph | Tier10Lab http://tier10lab.com/2012/05/17/google-knowledge-graph/
Google 16日在美國推出新的「Knowledge Graph」技術。這項技術能辨識關鍵字代表的人、地及物,最終目標是推廣至全球。Google員工葛梅斯(Ben Gomes)說:「開發Knowledge Graph是為了理解真實世界的事物。」

點一次就解答 Google搜尋變聰明 | 國際萬象 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 
 Google語意搜尋 Knowledge Graph讓搜尋不再是字串 | 網路衝浪 | 線上漫遊 | udn數位資訊
Google Knowledge Graph 從散亂資訊搜尋裡結構知識百科 | 電腦玩物

2012年5月17日 星期四

family album, the Queen's private life .家庭相冊,女王的私人生活。

One's off-duty family album: A peek into the Queen's private life as she cares for corgis and relaxes outdoors | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2145520/Ones-duty-family-album-A-peek-Queens-private-life-cares-corgis-relaxes-outdoors.html

robot arm activated by mind-reading brain implant .機器人手臂

Paralysed woman able to drink a cup of coffee with robot arm thanks to a mind-reading brain implant | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2145314/Paralysed-woman-able-drink-cup-coffee-robot-arm-thanks-mind-reading-brain-implant.html

Article Marketing Robot vs Magic Article Submitter | Which Is Better ? | http://www.whichbetter.net/comparison/article-marketing-robot-vs-magic-article-submitter-which-is-better/
How Plugins Make Bloggers Stupid - The ComLuv Network http://comluv.com/how-plugins-make-bloggers-stupid/

Caffeine , a regular cup of coffee,moderate coffee consumption, live longer.咖啡因, 定期一杯咖啡,適量飲用咖啡,壽命更長。

Caffeine fix it: How a regular cup of coffee could help you live longer | Mail Online
每天幾杯咖啡 長壽機率變高 | 國際萬象 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網

Caffeine and Infertility http://www.pregnancymiracleonline.net/caffeine-and-infertility/
5 Myths You Need to Break About Caffeine | Take Your Tips http://takeyourtips.com/5-myths-you-need-to-break-about-caffeine/
steverayflores.com: Caffeine-Free: The Halfway Mark http://www.steverayflores.com/2011/06/caffeine-free-halfway-mark.html
Effects of caffeine on productivity and mental fatigue | The Health Blogger http://thehealthblogger.com/effects-of-caffeine-on-productivity-and-mental-fatigue/
Caffeine: Friend or Foe? « Tennessee Running http://tennesseerunning.wordpress.com/2006/09/01/caffeine-friend-or-foe/
Agent Caffeine by Kelly Mitchell http://www.agentcaffeine.com/
Caffeine Maintenance – Can Missing Your Morning Cup of Coffee Reduce Productivity? » Medliorate.com | Improving Medial Students http://www.medliorate.com/2010/06/02/caffeine-maintenance-can-missing-your-morning-cup-of-coffee-reduce-productivity/