2012年11月10日 星期六

印度橋下的免費學校. A free school under a bridge in India.

Altaf Qadri—AP
Nov. 7, 2012. Indian child Rajesh, 8, reads from a black board painted on a building wall at a free school run under a metro bridge in New Delhi.
The Best Pictures of the Week: November 2 – November 9 - LightBox http://lightbox.time.com/2012/11/09/pictures-of-the-week-november-2-november-9/#65
Altaf Qadri / AP
Altaf Qadri / AP
Altaf Qadri / AP
A free school under a bridge in India - PhotoBlog http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/09/15036358-a-free-school-under-a-bridge-in-india?lite
Photos | South China Morning Post http://www.scmp.com/photos/recent/658/1078537

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